Is this your washroom? OK, so this is a little extreme we’ll give you that, but you get the idea right?
Imagine you could walk into your washroom and smell a pleasant fragrance for a change, you can with one of our automatic air fresheners…
Statistics prove that less vandalism occurs, even in high use public areas, when a washroom is kept clean and fresh.
Installing an air care system is just the start.
Studies have also shown that a pleasing scent can elevate your mood, reduce stress and improve performance at work and at play.
We have found aesthetically designed air fresheners create a positive experience for your staff and visitors while moving them through the washrooms quickly and safely.
The old adage still stands; “If it smells clean it is clean”, nothing says more about your establishment than the fragrant smell you get with a properly serviced and managed automatic air freshener. Our products are designed to be pleasing to the eye, whilst your washrooms are cleaner to the senses and the image of your facility is enhanced.
So, if your washroom facilities are below par and in need of a lift we have the solution. The new airoma system provides great flexible programming options allowing costs to be fixed, matching fragrance delivery and odour control to location conditions, which means higher fragrance levels can be selected at known busy periods.

Some of the features include:
- programmable spray intervals
- stylish, compact and lockable, making it difficult to vandalise
- choice of fragrances
- choice of finishes; Classic White or Chrome
Installing is easy; firstly we need to know the approximate size of the washroom. That way we can advise you on how many units you may need. Once you have agreed for us to install the system, we set about installing either by screwing to the wall, or in some instances sticking with the supplied attachments.
We will set the level of frequency for your washroom type and service to this standard on a monthly basis. The unit comes with a courtesy LED to inform users that it is in operation, and an audible bleep should the batteries need replacing. This however, is done by our operatives when they clean and service your air freshener.
Call us on 01638 815464 or email us on