Streams for Recycling of your wastes

Energy-from-waste at local Hospitals and Waste-derived-fuel facilities
To ensure unnecessary waste miles we work with various disposal companies who provide the latest in technology for your waste streams.
We currently recycle around £1 million worth of material a year through various EfW plants.
Here’s how
All incinerators have heat recovery boilers that provide heat and/or steam to power their Hospitals.
Once waste is burned in the primary and secondary incineration chambers, gasses are passed through tubes to the boiler at around 1000 degrees Celsius. Spent lime from the incineration process is recycled; this alkaline waste product is then re-used as an acid neutraliser in industrial processes to ensure that the final waste stream is PH neutral, thus further reducing the environmental impact.
Another waste stream we use is a composting method. The waste is heated and shredded in a Rotovator and mixed with small amounts of green waste. This then creates a digestive system that creates its own heat and digests the bacteria within the system. The process end result is 20% compost and 80% RDF. This is then used to power the national grid.